
7 Practical Athletic Hairstyles for Long Hair

Getting into the zone when playing sports takes a lot of effort. Blocking others out from your surrounding environment and only focusing on yourself and your goals can be a task to achieve.

Getting your luscious locks up in your face while working out can be quite annoying. The sweat and heat mixed with this string-like material sticking to your skin might make you irritable and distract you from performing to the best of your ability.

Worry no more if you become exasperated with how many times you must move your hair out of your face! We’ve covered your problem by suggesting various stylish solutions to you. Continue reading for some athletic hairstyle ideas for long hair that will keep you looking fashionable while you set out to get that gold medal!

Here are the best athletic styles for long hair:

Hairstyle #1: The high ponytail

Starting with an old but gold hairstyle option, you can never go wrong with the high ponytail. This classic look never goes out of style and is perfect for any workout or activity.

Achieving this look is rather self-explanatory. Simply collect your hair into a ponytail at the top of your head. How high you choose to make the pony is completely up to you! Not only does it keep your hair off your face and neck, but it also creates a clean and polished look.

Hairstyle #2: The braided ponytail

By putting in some additional effort after putting your hair up into a high ponytail, you can gift yourself with the braided ponytail look.
Once again, start by gathering your hair into a high ponytail.

Next, section the hair under the ponytail and begin braiding it however you like. Once the braid is complete, secure it with another elastic band. The braid adds more texture to your hairstyle and helps to keep your hair tangle-free!

Hairstyle #3: The twisted ponytail

If you are someone who struggles to braid their hair, there’s no need to freak out! We have devised another similar yet far easier hairstyle for you to recreate: the twisted ponytail.

After creating the high ponytail, separate the hair under the ponytail into two sections. Then, simply continue by twisting these sections around each other down the ponytail. Upon reaching the end, secure it with an elastic. And there you have it! A hairstyle that takes all of a minute to make and lasts for hours.

Hairstyle #4: The Dutch braids

You may recall the Dutch braids trend popularised a few years ago. With a slight twist on traditional braids, dutch braids ensure that even the hair right at the top of your head does not fall onto your face, making it a great option for an athletic hairstyle.

Begin by parting your hair right down the middle of your scalp. Begin Dutch braiding near the front of the scalp on both sides, one at a time. Keep adding more hair as you go down, finishing with having used up all the hair.

This style secures your hair well, allowing you to focus on your athletic performance and give it your all!

Hairstyle #5: The french braid

The French braid is a classic and elegant hairstyle that never fails to impress. The technique is extremely similar to the Dutch braid, except this only requires you to make one braid instead of two.

It may seem tricky initially, as you would probably aim to create this at the back of your head. Take it slow, building up the amount of hair you let into the braid, eventually ending with all of it.

This hairstyle is visually beautiful and will stay put throughout your sporting event. If you need help to assemble to braid, go to the experts like Tony Shamas Hair & Laser Salon and seek their professional help.

Hairstyle #6: The high bun

A high bun is another fantastic athletic hairstyle that keeps your strands away from your face. This is another very simple hairstyle, making it a convenient yet sophisticated option.

You’re probably extremely familiar with the high ponytail by now. So create that on your beautiful head of hair before moving on to the next step. After that, twist the ponytail around the base, forming a bun shape. Secure it with an elastic band, and stick some bobby pins to further secure it. Since athletics requires a lot of movement, you will find it in your favour to secure your hairstyle as much as possible to avoid it from undoing during your practice!

Hairstyle #7: The space buns

Going for a cute and sporty look? Space buns are the way to go! Space buns are two individual buns, similar to how you would have two pigtails.

To create this look, divide your hair down the middle of your scalp. Continue to create a high ponytail on either side. After this, twist each ponytail into a bun, just like you would in the step above. Secure them with elastics and bobby pins to achieve a tight and stable hairstyle. This will leave you with two adorable and unshakeable buns!

Our last tip would be to finish every hairstyle with a few sprays of hairspray! This will aid with securing your hair, preventing flyaways and keeping it in place until you let it down.

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