Insects in the home can be intimidating. They don’t all bite but some do. The insects that bite might carry bacterial or germs that you don’t want getting on or around you. Biting insects necessitate an extermination or a treatment of some kind.
When you detect any unwanted insects in your home, make sure you hire a pest control service to exterminate immediately. If left to fostered, these insects can multiply quickly, causing an infestation problem that you don’t want.
Some pests are more dangerous than others. Beware of these sixteen house insects that bite:
1. Bees
Bees aren’t traditional household insects, but they are one of the most common house insects that bite. They don’t like to come around unless they have to. Bees invade a home through chimneys, cracks in the foundation, and openings in the wall. A simple treatment of these openings can often get rid of bees with no questions asked.
2. Fleas
Fleas live on animals. They’re often associated strictly with animals, however, they can bite humans. Flea bites can be very irritating. At times, flea bite reactions can be serious. If this is the case, they require a doctor’s treatment.
3. Spiders
Most spiders do not bite. Some do. The most likely spider you will encounter that bites is a brown recluse. Yellow sac spiders, wolf spiders, and black widow spiders are also common insects that might be encountered in the average house.
4. Scabies
Scabies are a type of insect that burrows into the upper layer of a person’s skin. Here they reproduce and with that comes bites. Symptoms take 4-6 weeks to appear, usually in the form of blister-like marks.
5. Bedbugs
Bedbugs are extremely common in cities, apartment buildings, condos, and multi-residence households. Bedbug bites can be very, very itchy. They appear red and swollen. The itchiness is the worst of the symptoms as they relate to this type of bite.
6. Flies
Come summer, fly bites can be a problem. The bite itself can be quite painful and will grow inflamed. That said, these bites are usually harmless. There is always a risk of spreading illness or bacteria.
7. Earwigs
Earwigs are a common house insect very small that appear more dangerous than they actually are. While earwigs do bite, what you’re more likely to see them do is pinch. They pinch and hold on, sometimes breaking the skin and drawing blood. It is a defence mechanism. Though they might transfer bacteria, it is rarer than with other house insects that bite.
8. Fire Ants
Fire ants are aggressive and venomous ants. They produce a very painful bite. They burn, itch, swell, and can lead an allergic reaction requiring immediate medical attention. This type of ant bite can lead to respiratory issues.
9. Lice
Lice includes head lice, pubic lice, and body lice. There are a parasite that feeds on blood. As with other bites, the immune reaction causes itching. Lice are very easily killed with hot water, something you can do in the shower when you wash as well as when washing clothes, dry-cleaning, or ironing. Adult lice are about the size of a sesame seed, with baby lice even smaller than that.
10. Chiggers
Chiggers are a type of mite. They are a reddish-orange color. They are usually brought in from wooded, grassy areas. The bites are painful and appear similar to a rash. They can look like pimples, welts, blisters, or hives, and are extremely itchy.
11. Thrips
Thrips are approximately 2 millimetres in length and they usually feed on flowers and plants. When they land on skin, thrips bite just like they do flowers. The result is only mild irritation. Typically, washing the area is enough to cure any discomfort or irritation.
12. Rodent Mites
Mites exist in various forms. Rodent mites are somewhat common, first attaching themselves to rodents and then dispersing from their bodies to eventually land on humans. If you are at all concerned about the appearance of mite bites, have them checked by a physician.
13. Conenose Bugs
Conenose bugs, aka kissing bugs, are larger than your average house insect. They are 3/4-inch in size. Conenose bugs typically emerge at night, feeding on the hands, arms, feet, head, and exposed areas of the body.
14. Straw Itch Mites
Straw itch mites infest straw, grain, or hay, and appear on rural properties, farms, and those with stables or barns. Straw itch mites bite causing severe rashes and itching but fortunately, are not found in very many non-rural homes.
15. Sand Flies
Sand flies, aka biting gnats breed in areas with a lot of moisture, a la swamps, marshes, and outdoors. When brought indoors, they do not last as they require that moisture to survive. If you live nearby such an environment, you may mistakenly believe sand flies are indoors. Their bites typically are quite vicious, despite the fact that they are a very small insect.
16. It’s Something Else
If you see what appear to be bites on your skin and you’ve ruled out the possibility of it being insects, a wide variety of things can cause what look like bites. Diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, and other health conditions can cause the appearance of skin bites. Medications, detergents, and allergic reactions to skincare products can all do the same.