Mortgage agents who excel in their field are guided to the top by combining acquired skills and applied knowledge. A mortgage agent who routinely delivers a strong performance can offer clients in-depth assistance in navigating the complexities of mortgages and their place in real estate transactions.
Clients often require personalized solutions based on their unique situation, which challenges many agents. Here are the characteristics of top mortgage agents that are common among many.
Characteristic #1: Extensive Mortgage Knowledge
A successful mortgage agent has significant insight into mortgage products and can offer the most valuable advice to their clients. A client offered an unsuitable mortgage solution is unlikely to take it and may go elsewhere, so knowing what to recommend and why is essential.
Characteristic #2: Strong Knowledge of the Local Community
In addition to knowing mortgages and real estate, many mortgage agents are quite knowledgeable about the local market and community and have connections to different realtors and professionals in the area.
Characteristic #3: Excellent Time Management
You can’t be a top mortgage agent without strong time management skills. Tasks, documents, and deadlines are the norm in the industry. An agent must be organized, able to prioritize what needs to get done and ensure they hit their deadlines.
Characteristic #4: They Seek to Understand Client Needs
Communication skills are exceptional among top mortgage agents, and above all else, they seek to ask questions and understand client needs before trying to sell them on something. No client is like another. Mortgage agents must listen to clients’ words and know the right questions.
Characteristic #5: They’re Easy to Get a Hold Of
A top mortgage agent isn’t hard to get on the phone, to receive a text back, or to get an email returned. They’re fairly available to their clients.
Characteristic #6: Clients Feel Like They Can Trust You
When a mortgage agent maintains a client-centric approach and takes the time to learn about the client, this stands out. This type of agent is perceived as trustworthy. It’s hard to have a positive experience or to continue the relationship with a mortgage agent, from a client’s perspective, if an agent isn’t that.
Characteristic #7: Strong Analytical Mindset In Dissecting Information
As they receive and have to comb through financial documents, credit reports, and other information tied to securing a mortgage, mortgage agents must have a certain level of skill in analytics. They must be able to make calculations, see trends in the information they’re receiving, and tie that to a mortgage product.
Characteristic #8: Problem-Solving to Ensure Mortgage Approval
Clients often present their financial data and information, and an agent finds that issues could prevent their clients from obtaining the mortgage they think they should receive. An agent must quickly problem-solve to find an effective solution and to help pave that path toward approval.
Characteristic #9: They Know Mortgage Regulations Up and Down
Rules and regulations around mortgages have varied over the years. A high-performing mortgage agent knows where regulations are and may be able to tell you where they could be headed. If issues meet certain standards or regulations, a mortgage agent may be able to recommend an alternative or advise on how to proceed, given a specific rule.
Characteristic #10: They Can Break Down Complex Concepts
Explaining mortgage terms and answering questions requires plain language and ongoing dialogue with the client. It’s not as easy as, “Here it is. Take it or leave it.” An agent must involve the client in the presentation and ensure they understand the shared information.
Characteristic #11: They Are Constantly Learning
Many mortgage agents have a strong knowledge base and build on that by studying mortgage trends. They’re constantly learning and maintaining a student mentality regarding the industry. In turn, this allows them to develop expertise and to present as experts to their clients.
Characteristic #12: They Actively Solicit Feedback
Anyone who is top of the class in any industry is not afraid of criticism. A top mortgage agent may seek criticism from peers, clients, and colleagues to identify and work on their weak points. An agent like this listens to their feedback and makes changes when/if they feel it’s necessary.
Characteristic #13: They Are Effective at Networking
A mortgage agent that’s top of their class has a robust network within the industry. They are well-connected and have relationships with real estate agents, lenders, appraisers, lawyers, accountants, and more. A mortgage agent knows where to refer clients if they need assistance they can’t provide and has many areas from which they can find clients.
Characteristic #14: They Strategize Customer Acquisition
Client acquisition is critical as a mortgage agent rarely receives return clients regularly. Common customer acquisition strategies that a mortgage agent may invest in target a specific sub-segment of the population, such as first-time homebuyers, buyers in a specific neighbourhood, or working with a particular property type.